Answering Rules Answering rules are individual extension’s call routing, as each rule states how a call should be routed for that extension. Answering rules are time frame activated and the active time frame will determine the rule to follow. Multiple rules can fall within the same time frame, so the answering rules…
This article assumes you are logged into the Manager Portal as a Site Manager or Office Manager. If you do not know your login name or password, please click here or contact CallHarbor Support 1. Select the Timeframe tab. 2. If this time frame should be available for use by all extensions, click Domain or …
Answering rules are individual extension’s call routing, as each rule states how a call should be routed for that extension. Answering rules are time frame activated and the active time frame will determine the rule to follow. Multiple rules can fall within the same timeframe, so the answering rules follow a top-down…