How do I connect my UniData phone to WiFi?
To connect a UniData phone to WiFi, press the down button on the phones D-pad to bring up the Phone Settings page.
Press use the down button on the phones D-pad to select WLAN Search. Then press the ok button to search for nearby WiFi networks. The phone will search for and display nearby WiFi networks.
Select the WiFi network you want to connect the phone to from the list using the down button on the phones D-pad. Then press the ok button to connect to the network you selected.
Next enter the WiFi password using the dial pad and the right soft key to change between upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols. Then press the ok button to connect to the network. The phone will then generate a key and connect to the WiFi network.
Your phone is now connected to your Wifi network, the network symbol in the upper left corner of the screen should now have signal bars next to instead of the x.
If you still have issues connecting the phone to your WiFi network please contact CallHarbor Support.